InvestNow is a Singapore-based social investment club encourages the underserved to learn more about passive income
in Stock, Forex, and Cryptocurrency tradings with own-account management.
“There are risk in every business, if you are not brave enough to grab on the first or next opportunities, then you shall be a poor person forever.”
— Robert Kuok,
Richest Malaysian
“We like investments where the risk is time, not price.”
— Richard Chandler,
Singapore’s 50 Richest
“In any investment, you expect to have fun & make money.”
— Michael Jordan,
Basketball Legend
“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow.
If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.”
— Paul Samuelson,
Winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences
The trees that are
slow to grow
bear the best fruit.
There is no shortcut to success. It takes time to grow your money slowly but steadily by taking one step at a time. InvestNow invites you to take the first step out of your comfort zone, in learning more about the alternatives to passive income.
InvestNow believes that extra patience and
thorough observance could minimize risk while maximizing return.
Fixed deposits, saving bonds, government securities and treasury bills are close to risk-free but they typically yield lower interest than the inflation rate. So InvestNow focuses on trading analyses in Stock, Forex, and Cryptocurrency in a simplified manner that minimizes risk while maximizing return.
InvestNow provides one-to-one tuition to help you understand:
Which platform/broker offers the lowest brokerage fee at the moment?
Which mobile/web app provides the simplest user interface?
What else to consider when choosing an account?
What documents are required to set up your own trading account?
How to deposit and withdraw? How to buy and sell?
How long will it take for withdrawal? Are there any withdrawal charges?
What to consider when choosing a stock/forex pair/crypto to trade?
How do news influence the stock/forex/crypto price?
How to do a fundamental company valuation?
How to read the technical stock charts?
What news are readworthy?
What is risk appetite and how could it affect your investing decision?
What are the pros and cons of robo-advisors?
What are the pros and cons of ETFs?
Are you an investor or a trader?
and the list goes on and on…
InvestNow does not promote any broker or platform to remain neutral and to support the best interest of our members. Nevertheless, below are the lists of platform used by our distinct members.
SGX, KLSE, HKEX, NYSE, Nasdaq and more.
BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, SOL, XRP, and more.
InvestNow is backed by global members in Singapore & Malaysia and is expanding to Taiwan, Hong Kong and China.
InvestNow is an investment club with social trading capabilities that allow members to match the moves of famous traders. All members could participate in group research and select investments together, but each member invests with his/her personal account. No staff or member shall in any form invests on other’s behalf. No funds will be pooled or managed by the club.
InvestNow is a multicultural community that understands and respects the differences amongst each others. Difference makes us unique, and uniqueness makes us different.
We speak (and learn) a variety of languages with members from all walks of life. While jokes may be harmless in nature, the club will not tolerate any level of biases and discrimination against any members.
Explore more here.